Technical Support for V-Graph Save
Main Display for Number Mode
Main Display for Number Mode
Button and Field Descriptions
- Create New Equation – In Number Mode, the old equation is deleted. In Variable Mode, the old equation can be saved, if desired.
- Save – Only used for Variable Mode. If the equation already exists, it is overwritten. For a new equation, a name must be entered in the Equation Name field; then follow the prompts to save the equation under the desired Category in My Library.
- Loaded Equations – Only used for Variable Mode. Displays a drop-down list of equations that have been created or loaded from one of the Libraries.
- My Library – Allows an equation to be loaded from one of the Categories in My Library. Only used for Variable Mode. However, selecting this button while in Number Mode will cause the app to change to Variable Mode.
- Main Library – Allows an equation to be loaded from one of the Categories in Main Library. Only used for Variable Mode. However, selecting this button while in Number Mode will cause the app to change to Variable Mode.
- Help/Tutorials/Contact – Provides access to (1) the Help Screen, which has pop-up descriptions of highlighted buttons, (2) several Tutorials, which programmatically demonstrate the main features of the app, and (3) a contact button, which opens the e-mail app, with [email protected] in the address field.
- Configuration – Allows setting the number of digits after the Decimal Point, the number of digits for Scientific Notation, Degrees or Radians for trigonometric functions, whether a Period or Comma is used as the Decimal Point, whether units can be displayed in the Equation when the Symbol/Number button is pressed, and whether the Unit Conversion Table is automatically displayed in Variable Mode when the Calculation Button is pressed. Also, the convergence accuracy and maximum number of iterations can be specified for implicit equations.
- Variable Mode/Number Mode – In Number Mode, the app becomes a quick, text-book display scientific graphing calculator. Equations can include y (dependent variable) and x (independent variable), and the they can be explicit or implicit (of the form y = f(x) or y = f(x,y)). The equations can be plotted and unit conversions can be made on the dependent variable value, but they cannot be saved. In Variable Mode, variables (with subscripts, superscripts, and Greek characters; descriptions; units; and values) are entered into the table (located under the Equation Field). These can then be entered into the current equation and/or saved as Constants under user-defined categories for later retrieval. (Equations can also be saved under user-defined categories for later retrieval). Unit conversions can be made on the dependent variable value. An unlimited number of equation can be loaded, and up to 3 can be graphed simultaneously.
- Display Unit Conversions Table – Pressing this button after the Calculate Button has been pressed, with cause the Unit Conversion Table to appear. This displays the results of converting the dependent variable answer into the value it would be for all of the units in the same category as the dependent variable. In the Configuration window, it is possible to select an option that will cause the unit conversion table to display after each calculation.
- Calculate – Evaluates the current equation, if no errors are present.
- Graph – Causes the Graph Display to appear and plots the current equation.
- Equation Field – Equations are created by typing on the keyboard or by selecting variable from the Variable Table located below the Equation Field. The desired location in the equation for character entry must first be selected by use of a finger or the arrow keys. Pink highlighting of elements of the equation indicates an error in the equation and prevents it from being evaluated.
- Select – Used to select the variable that will be entered into the equation. If the variable table is in editing mode (Variable Mode), then the Select Button is used to end editing.
- Dependent Variable Symbol – Symbol of Dependent Variable (for insertion into equation by pressing the Select Button).
- Independent Variable Symbol – Symbol of Independent Variable (for insertion into equation by pressing the Select Button).
- Memory Symbol – Symbol of Dependent Variable value from previous calculation (for insertion into equation by pressing the Select Button).
- Right Arrow – Moves the cursor through the equation from left to right one character at a time.
- Left Arrow – Moves the cursor through the equation from right to left one character at a time.
- Equals – Enters an Equals Sign into the equation. This is the ONLY equals button that can be used for this purpose. Also, the Equals Button will NOT evaluate the equation. The Calculate Button will evaluate the equation.
- Variable Table – Contains the Variables that can be used in the Equation.
- Units – Units for Variable. These are chosen from Unit Picker Dial screen that appears when Units field is selected.
- Dependent Variable Value – Value for Dependent Variable.
- Independent Variable Value – Value for Independent Variable. The value of the Independent variable is input using the Numeric Keypad that appears when the Variable field is selected.
- Memory Value – Value of Dependent Variable value from a previous calculation.
- Delete – Deletes one character at a time (except for exponentials, division, parentheses, and logarithmic and trigonometric functions).
- Clear – Same as the Delete Button, except that entire numbers are deleted at once, rather than one character at a time.
- Symbol/Number – Allows the variables in the equation to display either their symbols or their numeric values (and units, if this option is selected in Configuration).
Main Display for Variable Mode
Button and Field Descriptions
- Create New Equation – In Number Mode, the old equation is deleted. In Variable Mode, the old equation can be saved, if desired.
- Save – Only used for Variable Mode. If the equation already exists, it is overwritten. For a new equation, a name must be entered in the Equation Name field; then follow the prompts to save the equation under the desired Category in My Library.
- Loaded Equations – Only used for Variable Mode. Displays a drop-down list of equations that have been created or loaded from one of the Libraries.
- My Library – Allows an equation to be loaded from one of the Categories in My Library. Only used for Variable Mode. However, selecting this button while in Number Mode will cause the app to change to Variable Mode.
- Main Library – Allows an equation to be loaded from one of the Categories in Main Library. Only used for Variable Mode. However, selecting this button while in Number Mode will cause the app to change to Variable Mode.
- Help/Tutorials/Contact – Provides access to (1) the Help Screen, which has pop-up descriptions of highlighted buttons, (2) several Tutorials, which programmatically demonstrate the main features of the app, and (3) a contact button, which opens the e-mail app, with [email protected] in the address field.
- Configuration – Allows setting the number of digits after the Decimal Point, the number of digits for Scientific Notation, Degrees or Radians for trigonometric functions, whether a Period or Comma is used as the Decimal Point, whether units can be displayed in the Equation when the Symbol/Number button is pressed, and whether the Unit Conversion Table is automatically displayed in Variable Mode when the Calculation Button is pressed. Also, the convergence accuracy and maximum number of iterations can be specified for implicit equations.
- Variable Mode/Number Mode – In Number Mode, the app becomes a quick, text-book display scientific graphing calculator. Equations can include y (dependent variable) and x (independent variable), and the they can be explicit or implicit (of the form y = f(x) or y = f(x,y)). The equations can be plotted and unit conversions can be made on the dependent variable value, but they cannot be saved. In Variable Mode, variables (with subscripts, superscripts, and Greek characters; descriptions; units; and values) are entered into the table (located under the Equation Field). These can then be entered into the current equation and/or saved as Constants under user-defined categories for later retrieval. (Equations can also be saved under user-defined categories for later retrieval). Unit conversions can be made on the dependent variable value. An unlimited number of equation can be loaded, and up to 3 can be graphed simultaneously.
- Display Unit Conversions Table – Pressing this button after the Calculate Button has been pressed, with cause the Unit Conversion Table to appear. This displays the results of converting the dependent variable answer into the value it would be for all of the units in the same category as the dependent variable. In the Configuration window, it is possible to select an option that will cause the unit conversion table to display after each calculation.
- Calculate – Evaluates the current equation, if no errors are present.
- Graph – Causes the Graph Display to appear and plots the current equation. Once in the Graph Display, up to 3 of equations that have been loaded can be plotted simultaneously.
- Category Name Field – Only used for Variable Mode. The name of the Category for the current equation is displayed here.
- Equation Name Field – Only used for Variable Mode. The name of the current equation is entered here. Equation must be given a name before they can be evaluated or saved (this statement applies only to Variable Mode).
- Equation Field – Equations are created by typing on the keyboard or by selecting variable from the Variable Table located below the Equation Field. The desired location in the equation for character entry must first be selected by use of a finger or the arrow keys. Pink highlighting of elements of the equation indicates an error in the equation and prevents it from being evaluated.
- Select – Used to select the variable that will be entered into the equation. If the variable table is in editing mode (Variable Mode), then the Select Button is used to end editing.
- Symbol – Symbol of Variable (for insertion into equation by pressing the Select Button).
- Right Arrow – Moves the cursor through the equation from left to right one character at a time.
- Left Arrow – Moves the cursor through the equation from right to left one character at a time.
- Equals – Enters an Equals Sign into the equation. This is the ONLY equals button that can be used for this purpose. Also, the Equals Button will NOT evaluate the equation. The Calculate Button will evaluate the equation.
- Library Name Field – Only used for Variable Mode. The name of the Library (MyLibrary or MainLibrary) for the current equation is displayed here.
- Variable Table – Contains the Variables that can be used in the Equation.
- Units – Units for Variable. These are chosen from Unit Picker Dial screen that appears when Units field is selected.
- Variable Value – Value for Variable.
- Delete – Deletes one character at a time (except for exponentials, division, parentheses, and logarithmic and trigonometric functions).
- Clear – Same as the Delete Button, except that entire numbers are deleted at once, rather than one character at a time.
- Symbol/Number – Allows the variables in the equation to display either their symbols or their numeric values (and units, if this option is selected in Configuration).
English Keypad
Button and Field Descriptions
- Cap-Shift – Allows capital letters and alternate symbols (for number keys) to be displayed and selected.
- Subscript – Causes the following letter, number, or symbol to be entered as a subscript.
- Superscript – Causes the following letter, number, or symbol to be entered as a superscript.
- Delete – Deletes one character at a time (by backspacing).
- New Line – Creates a new line (similar to a Return Key).
Unit Picker Dials
Button and Field Descriptions
- Unit Category Picker Dial – Selects unit Category (Acceleration, Length, Time, etc).
- Unit System Picker Dial – Selects unit System (English, Metric, or SI).
- Unit Item Picker Dial – Selects unit (Feet, Meter, etc.).
- Edit – Activates a pop-up menu that allows Categories or Units to be added or deleted from Unit Library.
Unit Picker Add Categories-Units Display
Button and Field Descriptions
- Unit System Picker Dial – Selects unit System (English, Metric, or SI).
- Unit Category Picker Dial – Selects unit Category (Acceleration, Length, Time, etc).
- Add Category Button – Enters the Value from the Add Category Field into the Unit Category Picker Dial database.
- Add Category Field – Used to enter Values that will be added into Unit Category Picker Dial database. When this field is selected, the English Keypad appears.
- Unit Item Picker Dial – Selects unit (Feet, Meter, etc.).
- Add Unit Button – Enters the Value from the Add Unit Field into the Unit Item Picker Dial database.
- Add Unit Field – Used to enter Values that will be added into Unit Item Picker Dial database. When this field is selected, the English Keypad appears.
Unit Picker Add Unit-Units Display
Button and Field Descriptions
- Unit System Picker Dial – Selects unit System (English, Metric, or SI).
- Unit Category Picker Dial – Selects unit Category (Acceleration, Length, Time, etc).
- Add Category Button – Enters the Value from the Add Category Field into the Unit Category Picker Dial database.
- Add Category Field – Used to enter Values that will be added into Unit Category Picker Dial database. When this field is selected, the English Keypad appears.
- Add Prefix Dial – Selects Prefix for Unit (k, M, G, T, etc.).
- Add Base Unit Dial – Selects Base Unit (g, gmol, m, s, etc.).
- Add Power Dial – Selects Power that Unit is raised to.
- Unit Item Picker Dial – Selects unit (Feet, Meter, etc.).
- Add Unit Button – Enters the Value from the Add Unit Field into the Unit Item Picker Dial database.
- Add Unit Field – Used to enter Values that will be added into Unit Item Picker Dial database. When this field is selected, the English Keypad appears.
- Unit Multiplier Symbol Button – Allows 2 Base Units to be Multiplied to create a more complex Unit.
- Unit Divisor Symbol Button – Allows 2 Base Units to be Divided to create a more complex Unit.
Graph Display
Button and Field Descriptions
- Equation Selector for Graphing – Only used for Variable Mode. Allows selection of up to 3 equations to plot, based on the equations that have been loaded from MyLibrary or MainLibrary.
- Equation Key – Displays equation and variable names, and units, for the equations that are currently plotted. Touching the key brings up a window that allows one of the equations to be highlighted so that it is drawn with a bolder line.
- Area Under Curve – If 1 equation is being plotted, this will be the area between the curve and the x-axis. For 2 equations, this will be the area between the 2 curves.
- Cursor x-Value – Displays the current x-Value for the cursor. A value can also be entered here, which will cause the cursor to move to that x-Value on the graph.
- Help Overlay – Creates an overlay of important buttons. When one of these buttons is pressed, a pop-up window appears with a description of the button’s function.
- Axis Type – Allows the selection of the axis type for the x- and y-axes. Either of these can be linear, log, inverse, inverse based on degrees C, or inverse based on degrees F.
- Activate Cursor and y-Value Display – Causes Cursor, Cursor x-Value textfield, and y-Value to be displayed. Cursor can be moved using a finger on the screen, or by entering a value in the Cursor x-Value textfield.
- Activate Cursor and Slope Tangent Line – Causes Cursor, Slope Tangent Line, Cursor x-Value textfield, and Slope Value to be displayed. Cursor can be moved using a finger on the screen, or by entering a value in the Cursor x-Value textfield. y-Value and Slope can be displayed simultaneously.
- Activate Area and Segment Length Display – Causes Area Initial and Final textfields to be displayed. After these values are entered, the area under the curve, for 1 equation, or the area between the curves, for 2 equations, will be displayed as a shaded area on the graph. Also, the values for the Area and the Segment Length (for the Initial-Final range) will be displayed on the graph.
Edit Menu - Memory Stack for Variable Mode
Button and Field Descriptions
- Edit – Causes Edit Menu and Memory Stack to appear. The Variable row of the Edit button pressed is used in actions for some of the other buttons (described below).
- MENU Edit – Places Variable Table in Editing Mode (which allows rows to be moved and deleted).
- MENU Slider – Adds a Slider (with Minimum and Maximum input fields) for the row of the Edit Button that was pressed.
- MENU GetConst – Provides access to the Constant Library. If a Constant is selected from the library, it will be placed in the row of the Edit Button that was pressed.
- If the Variable Table row already has a Symbol, only the Value of the Constant will be entered into the Variable Table.
- Otherwise, the Symbol, Equation Name, Units, and Value of the Constant will be entered into the Variable Table.
- MENU SaveConst – The Variable (including the Symbol, Description, Units, and Value) in the row of the Edit Button that was pressed will be save to the Constant Library in a new or existing Category.
- MENU Independent Variable – Selects this Variable as the Independent Variable for the equation (used for graphing).
- Number – Inserts the Value for the Memory Stack row of the Number Button that was pressed into the Equation. If a specific location in the Equation has not been selected, the Value will be placed at the end of the Equation.
- Variable – Inserts the Variable for the Memory Stack row of the Number Button that was pressed into the Equation. If a specific location in the Equation has not been selected, the Value will be placed at the end of the Equation.
- Symbol – Symbol for the Dependent Variable of the Equation used for the last calculation.
- Equation Name – The name of the Equation used for the last calculation.
- Units – Units for the Dependent Variable of the Equation used for the last calculation.
- Value – Value for the Dependent Variable of the Equation used for the last calculation.